Saturday, August 14, 2010

An Artistic Collaboration: Using Digital Art to Spur Creative Writing

An Artistic Collaboration: Using Digital Art to Spur Creative Writing

Lesson Summary:

High school Language Arts students will collaborate with Art students to create blog entries that combine digital artwork and creative writing. The art students will create art pieces that the LA students will explore. The LA students will use the art and create creative writing pieces inspired by the art students' works. Together, students will then digitize the art work and combine it with the creative writing. The lesson will culminate with blog entries that showcase the artwork and the creative writing it inspired.

Fine Art Content Standards:

Describe the use of technology as a
visual art medium using computer generated

Describe various sources (e.g. personal
experience, imagination, interests,
everyday events and social issues)
visual artists use to generate ideas for

Language Arts Standards:

Prepare writing for
publication that follows an
appropriate format and uses
a variety of techniques to
enhance the final product.

Use a variety of strategies to
revise content, organization
and style, and to improve
word choice, sentence
variety, clarity and
consistency of writing.

1 comment:

  1. This is freakin' awesome, Karin! I absolutely love this collaborative and creative idea!
